söndag 23 mars 2008

En tanke från en vän:

I think we are not around on this earth for long enough to figure out the
exact meaning of life, but to me it is making sure that we do not waste a
single day. it's one of the reasons why i stopped drinking.
if i went out to a bar and got drunk, it would take a day for me to recover and i would waste a day. so now i do still go out but drink non alcohol drinks and so the next day i feel well. life is short enough so we should enjoy it as much as we can and never foget, no matter how bad our life seems, there is someone somewhere worse off.

Jag tror att det finns en mening, om man kan kalla Gud för mening, men i övrigt så stämmer jag in i resonemanget. Det är viktigt att komma ihåg att varje stund i livet är dyrbar, för den som har passerat, den har passerat.

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